When you’re self-employed, keeping track of essential dates and deadlines can be challenging. One crucial date to remember is 5 October 2024, which is... Continue Reading
The furnished holiday lettings (FHL) tax regime is set to be scrapped from April 2025, with draft legislation already on the table. If you own a holiday... Continue Reading
While we’ve made meaningful progress in the global energy transition, the pace is still too slow. The charity Accounting for Sustainability (A4S) and... Continue Reading
Your environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategy might just pave the way to growth for your business. ESG initiatives are increasingly important for... Continue Reading
Having the right team that aligns with your goals and values is key to the success of your business. However, many sectors are currently facing a skills and... Continue Reading
HMRC has begun to issue ‘nudge letters’ to cryptoasset owners who may have underpaid tax when selling their assets, urging them to amend or submit... Continue Reading
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